Writing For Good

to inspire, educate, and connect

BRINGING THE HEALING POWER OF WRITING INTO THE COMMUNITY. Expressive writing is a research-based empowering tool used for recovery, wellness, and healing.

When people put their lives, selves, and emotions on the page and further, share their words in a supportive group setting, a certain magic happens.

Through Writing for Good, The Porch’s cohort of trained writing workshop facilitators leads groups in expressive writing sessions for organizations serving vulnerable populations and/or therapeutic communities.
Writing For Good aspires to create opportunities for people to heal through writing. Through its workshops, individuals from many walks of life will experience the catharsis, self-reflection, self-expression, and communion that comes through writing with others.
To Inquire about a potential partnership (or single-session), contact Katie@porchtn.org


Our goal is to expand therapeutic classes to additional community non-profit partners that provide essential resources to Nashville’s vulnerable populations. Potential outreach partners include organizations serving:

patients in addiction recovery, trauma therapy, veterans, prisoners, teens in foster care, the homeless, cancer patients and survivors, and more.


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