Take your writing life to the next level with this four-part series: The Business of Creative Writing. Each virtual class is three hours long, and each focus on honing different areas of your professional writing practice—creating a writing habit; submitting your work (and getting comfortable with rejections; pitching to editors and getting paid for publication; lastly, book publishing 101 for those looking to write long-form. Students can pick the classes most tailored to their needs; you do not have to take all four (though you’ll learn a heck of a lot if you do!)
Rejection comes for us all. In this class, we'll put writing rejections into perspective by looking at some cold, hard numbers. There are thousands of potential homes for your work; we'll look at how to find the right ones. We'll read between the lines of rejections to know when to keep submitting, when to stop and revise, and when to know that an acceptance is right over the horizon (if you don't give up!).
Lisa Bubert is a writer based in Nashville, Tennessee. Her pitched and published work has appeared in Longreads, Texas Monthly, The Rumpus, Business Insider, and more. Her story, “Kitten,” which appeared in Pidgeonholes, was nominated for Best Small Fictions 2020. Her story, “The Coma,” which appeared in the final issue of Natural Bridge journal, was nominated for a Pushcart Prize.
"Lisa Bubert's "The Business of Writing" was perhaps one of the most informative writing classes I've had. Beyond the business aspect, her knowledge of literature and writing technique is impressive."
"The Business of Creative Writing helped me navigate the process of submitting and searching for appropriate publications and agents. Lisa was so encouraging and inspiring."
"Lisa was super prepared. She learned about publishing through experience and was generous in sharing her knowledge. Would recommend highly to anyone interested in The Business of Writing."